Wednesday, March 11, 2015

220 Days! Feeling great and drinking my juice!

I felt kind of bad yesterday that I didn't work out.  I know that there are some of you that are viewing this blog, and I felt I disappointed you as well as myself.  But the truth was the best thing I could do.  Just taking that one day off, my lower back is feeling better, and I felt more energized today!

I started the day on a good note!  I lost 2.6 lbs.  True it was probably water weight, but better a loss than a gain at this point.  I, also, made sure to eat some oatmeal for breakfast vs. going without breakfast (even if I didn't eat until close to noon).  I always feel that I can do a project like this...getting healthy and in better physical conditioning when I can get both nutrition and exercise to work together.  The only way to move forward is to  do both or you are only walking side-to-side, and not forward.

For exercise, I worked on the Leslie Sansone Walk at home!  One of the many dvds I have in my exercise dvd collection.  It's a good workout with more variable leg movements as well as bringing in your arms.  Usually when you walk, unless you are a speedwalker, there isn't much in the way of exerting yourself.  I mean, after 15 minutes (1-mile), I was sweating like mad!

I end my days with having two different types of drinks.  First, I will have a vegetable juice made right from my juicer!  and then before bed, I have my fruit smoothie!  I found that by doing this routine, I'm not finding myself hungry when I need to be sleeping!

Loving life right now!

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